Sound Plan Noise

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SoundPLAN Noise

noise mapping
experience that you
can count on

  • Over 30 years of experience in noise model development
  • An experienced and dedicated development team consisting of software developers, program testers and a technical writer for handbooks and documentation
  • The program is available in 14 languages
  • The software fulfills over 50 different national and international standards and is still adding new standards
  • SoundPLANnosie 9; Sound Particle Diffraction! (read more about it SoundPLANnoise Sound Particle Diffraction theory SoundPLAN 8.0
The focus of the new developments for SoundPLANnoise 9.0 was the complete revision of the geodatabase. Many of the wishes you have expressed to us over the past few years – such as significant improvements and enhancements when working with background bitmaps – have been implemented. You can look forward to the modern user interface. You will notice that many things have become clearer – for example, menu ribbons replace the long, nested menus, Geofile Manager and Object Manager show you all Geofiles and objects contained in the situation at a glance, and the dynamic menu groups optimize your work in the Geo-Database.
A great deal of time has also been spent over the last three years on implementing new guidelines, most of which have already been made available to you in the course of SoundPLANnoise 8.2.
Of course, there are also innovations in other parts of the program to make your work easier, for example:
  • Emitters of individual noise types can be switched off during the calculation, for example, in order to consider industrial halls as mere obstacles in a road noise calculation.
  • The raster noise map calculation has been greatly accelerated for multi-core/distributed computing.
  • The object “Dimension tape” can be displayed as a dimension chain in the graphic.
  • With the “Result Manager” in the graphic you can edit time ranges, groups or frequencies from a calculation together. 
  • Auralization has been improved.
  • When exporting shapes from the geodatabase and the graphic, the projection file is generated (*.prj).