SoundPLANnoise Modules
The right module for every application
The highlights of SoundPLANnoise at a glance
Because SoundPLANnoise, our acoustics software, is modular, you can choose the size of your software package. We have put together program packages with helpful module recommendations to help you choose. For further information, please get in touch with your local distributor.
In our overview you will find an explanation of the individual modules and tools. All other content/information can be found in the PDF document (links) for download.
Overview of the modules
Base module
The base module contains the basics you need for modelling, calculation, assessment and tabular or graphical documentation. This includes data input via georeferenced bitmaps, transformation between different coordinate systems, creation of digital terrain models, interfaces to DXF, QSI (DIN 45687) and ASCII, libraries with, among others, emission and sound insulation spectra and the integrated SoundPLAN spreadsheet.
The Cartography module contains helpful additions such as the connection to Google Maps, OSM and WMS Server as well as a KML export and import of photo points with GPS data. Cartographic elements and automated graphics output complete the module’s scope.
Noise types
Road and rail
Emissions from roads, railways and car parks are entered or imported via different traffic data sets determined by the standard in use.
Calculation of point, line and area sources, industrial halls, wind turbines, parking lots, open-air concerts, noise at the workplace (exposure levels).
Indoor Noise
Sound propagation inside a building according to VDI 3760 and an advanced sound particle model with diffraction to calculate working noise and room acoustics. Calculation of the interior level from the properties of the interior sources.
Aircraft noise
Calculation of any descriptors, such as Leq, maximum level, NAT exceedance frequency, threshold value after NAT, wake-up probability, ANEF (Australian Noise Exposure Forecast). Maximum level statistics for the individual aircraft classes or the sum.
Expansion modules
Calculations | Graphical representation of the results
Façade Noise Map
Single point calculation, which independently arranges the immision locations on the selected facades according to various criteria. Graphical representation of the facade levels (color marks, facades exceeding criterion levels, colored buildings …) and the results, which were further processed with the integrated spreadsheet. Text output, for example the immision location number or the level.
Grid Noise Map
- Calculation of an immision grid at a user-defined height above ground. The grid width can be chosen as required.
- Display as a contour map with contour line labeling as a grid map, or with a color gradient.
- Output of maps of results calculated using formulae, for example difference maps. sum maps, maximum value maps or addition of constant values or levels.
- Freely definable color scale for graphic output, for intervals or discrete colors (for contour lines) by different scale types.
- Color intervals at constant intervals or non-linear, e.g. to highlight limits of different uses.
- Output of the sum level or individual frequencies and groups.
Cross Section Noise
Vertical immision grid which can be displayed in 2D or 3D combined with other results types with the 3D Graphics module.
3D + and animated noise map
Any animation track, also along roads and railways. Animated train passage, level-time curve as diagram.
BA Outside
Calculation of the required weighted sound insulation value R’w of external components.
Noise Allotment
Optimization of noise quotas for different company sites within an area, including graphical representation of sectors and noise map.
GIS interface
Import and export of ESRI shapefiles with any object properties as well as shape export of the results, import of CityGML and OSM data.
Road design
Import from the road design programs CARD/1, STRATIS and VERBUND. Database interface for customer-specific GIS connection.
Radar Tracks
Import of radar tracks of the data formats Stanly, Fanomos and Topsonic; aircraft database for automatic allocation of emission data.
Wall Design
Automatic dimensioning of noise barriers and noise protection walls based on the location of a planned structure with different wall/wall heights determined by a cost-benefit analysis
Distributed Computing
- Computing within a network with all free resources using all cores / threads of the connected PCs.
- With only one license you can equip an unlimited number of computers with SoundPLANnoise and start calculating.
- Completely automated sending of tasks and collation of results by the host computer
Tools Industrial Noise
Consideration of special tasks in industrial noise, noise protection concepts of complex industrial plants, recalculation of measured sound pressure levels back to frequency-dependent sound power levels at user defined source positions, calculation of sound power from technical parameters (including decaying levels along linear sources such as pipelines).
Noise Mapping Toolbox
Various tools for the creation of strategic noise maps and action plans (EU environmental noise) and the processing and evaluation of large projects (e.g. route variants), tiled projects, population and area statistics, hotspot calculation, VDI 3722-2.
Room acoustics
Calculation of reverberation times and various room acoustic parameters such as speech intelligibility STI, deflection distance or confidence interval according to ISO 3382-3:2012 and VDI 2569:2019, auralization.