Tools Industrial Noise

Tool Industrial Noise

Industry Noise Propagation enables the user to create sources describing industrial usage. The source types are point, line and area sources, and the industrial building. The emissions of the sources need to be entered with the sound power for a single frequency or for an octave or third-octave band. Source definitions describe line and area sources as total sound power or as sound power per meter/square meter of the source. For the industrial building, it is possible to enter the sound pressure inside and calculate the transmission from the inside to the outside, or to define the sound power per square meter on the outside surface. In collaboration with the Indoor Factory Noise module, the sound pressure on the inside of the building can also be simulated. The library has functions to convert sound pressure measurements into the equivalent sound power. The library also contains a materials library for the transmission losses and the absorption coefficients. Industrial sources can also be associated with various directivities, and for time-variable sources, with a day history. Results can be post-processed in the Documentation, Spreadsheet and Graphics. Optimizations to fight industrial noise can be found in the module Expert System for Industrial Noise.