
Wall Design

Wall Design

Wall Design is the perfect tool for SoundPLAN users who need to dimension noise protection walls. A pre-calculation for single receivers or a Façade Noise Map iterates the height of a noise control wall (or the height of a berm) and records the reductions of noise levels per change in wall height. The automatic part of the optimization selects elements of the noise barrier in accordance with the reduction potential of the element. The optimization is a true optimization; it not only makes a suggestion for a single receiver but also attempts to deliver a solution where the number of meters along the façade that is above the noise limit, are minimized. A hands-on part of the optimization allows the final customization of the wall not only for acoustical parameters but also for the aesthetics of the wall. A speciality of the optimization is to compare the cost to benefits for any size of wall for an almost unlimited number of receivers. The optimized form of the wall can be saved and used for further calculations such a Grid Noise Maps where before and after scenarios are presented.