SoundPLANessential Hardware Recommendations

Processor type

When buying a new PC, we recommend to buy the latest processor generation but not necessarily the fastest processor of this series. With a somewhat “slower” processor you will usually get much better value for money.

Processors with a high basic clock rate or high overclocking (Turbo Boost) are particularly powerful.

Operating system

SoundPLAN can generally be executed with the current Windows operating systems. If software adaptations are necessary, these will be provided at short notice.

Graphics card, hard disk, memory and monitor

For graphics card, hard disk, memory and monitor, we recommend basing your decision on the same principles as that regarding the processor: Buy the best hardware available at a reasonable price. The screen should have FullHD resolution.

At least 1 GB Memory should be included per core. The graphics card must support OpenGL 4.1 and should have its own memory, as the 3D speed of so-called “onboard graphics cards” is limited.

One second screen, for example for 3D graphics or a connection to online map services (Google Maps, OSM) is recommended but is not strictly necessary.